- VOLUME-ONE 1.72 installer (zipped)
Read following items carefully before downloading dTV.
1. All Rights Reserved the developpper possesses all rights including copyright and ownership of dTV. Any modification of the software dTV including language localization, and software analysis including reverse engineering, decompose, and disassemble are prohibited.
2. No Guarantee This software is distributed in our hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE. We do NOT have responsibilities for any damages on material and immaterial properties of dTV users and third parties.
3. Academic Research Purpose Only This software is only for academic research. Please do not use for commercial use including promotion of commercial products.
4. In Disclosure of Analysis Results In disclosure of analysis results using dTV at any media such as journal paper, webpage, and reports, please add description as follows to the article: "This result is obtained by using the free software dTV for MR-DTI analysis developed by Y. Masutani.", and refer the EJR paper below.
Masutani@Y, et al., MR diffusion tensor imaging: recent advance and new techniques for diffusion tensor visualization, EJR:46(1), pp.53-66, 2003
5. Questions and Contact We do not provide any information beyond description in this web site.
#this may be old...
0) Preparation and Recommended PC Spec.
- Recommended PC spec:
Processor PentiumIII 1 GHz or faster, RAM 512 M bytes (depending on data size), and graphics cards with 3D accelerator
First of all, install VOLUME-ONE 1.44 (or later) and check that it works. DLLs for graphical user interface used in dTV are identical to those for VOLUME-ONE. If VOLUME-ONE does not work, dTV neither work.
1) Start up
Start up VOLUME-ONE. Then, launch dTV by 'launch plugin ...' command in Tools menu. It is convenient to move dTV to VOLUME-ONE plugin folder.
2) Parts of dTV interface
-Main Menu
--File Menu: for loading DICOM data, and quit program
--Edit Menu: for deletion of displayed objects
--Special Menu: for setting parameters and execute optional processing
-Display Type Tab: Two modes are available described below
--Fiber Tracking Mode: track fibers by configuring Seed/Target ROI(s)
--Symbolic Display Mode: visualize diffusion tensor by ellipsoids
-Display Object Group Selection:
8 groups for diaply objects are available. Push one of the button for selection of object bank (A to H).
- Start Analysis Button: start analysis
3) Execute DTI Analysis
3-1) Importing Volume Data
Select DICOM data directory by 'Open DICOM directory' command in FIle menu. If the data files in the directory satisties following condition, dTV automatically processes DICOM data to convert to isotropic volume data and to transfer to VOLUME-ONE in a few minutes.
*Conditions for automatic data interpletation in dTV (m slices for each axes, n set of MPG)
1. Only DTI data files are included in the directory
2. Image number in DICOM header is assigned to each data file in the following order
-- #1 So(b=0) data channel, slice 1
-- #2 So(b=0) data channel, slice 2
-- :
-- #m So(b=0) data channel, slice m
-- #m+1 S1 data channel, slice 1
-- :
-- #(m+1)xN Sn data channel, slice m
3. Tag of image position is included in the file
3-2) Ellipsoid Display
Analyze diffusion tensor inside Box VOI of VOLUME-ONE or ROI drawn in section pane of dTV, create ellipsoid objects and transfer to VOLUME-ONE. Axial, sagittal, colonal, oblique sections are available for drawing ROI in dTV. View direction of oblique section is synchronized to VOLUME-ONE's view direction. Section images can be zoomed/unzoome by loupe buttons.
3-3) Fiber Tracking
3-3-1) Seed ROI configuration
Spherical or Freehand ROI is available. Axial, sagittal, colonal, oblique sections are available for drawing ROI in dTV. View direction of oblique section is synchronized to VOLUME-ONE's view direction. Section images can be zoomed/unzoome by loupe buttons. To move seed position, move cursor on VOLUME-ONE during 'synchronize' box is checked on the ROI pane, or drag mouse cursor on slice image during pressing control key.
3-3-2) Tracking Termination Conditions
Several parameters are set to terminate tracking.
3-3-3) Target ROI configuration
Spherical or Freehand ROI is available. If None selected, no target is set. Axial, sagittal, colonal, oblique sections are available for drawing ROI in dTV. View direction of oblique section is synchronized to VOLUME-ONE's view direction. Section images can be zoomed/unzoome by loupe buttons. Target position can be moved same as seed position by mouse.
3-3-4) Voxelization
Select 'Voxelize Tracking Lines' command in Special menu for voxelize tracking result and transfer to VOLUME-ONE.
3-4) Change/Delete display object group
Before pushing analyze button, select one of A to H groups. Select another group for additional analysis, or overwritten on the same bank. A object group of selection or all groups are deleted by commands in Edit menu.
3-5) Create computer channels
FA data, color-encoded e1 data, isotropic data can be computed and be transfered to VOLUME-ONE in Special menu. It takes a few minutes depending on data size.
S) Saving results
Currently, computed channel and voxelized results can be save as volume data in VOLUME-ONE.
5) Importing MPG data
Create a text file as follows, and import by 'Import' command in 'Special 'menu->Setting->MPG.
(example of 6 MPG directions)
0.7 0 0.7
0.7 0 -0.7
0.7 0.7 0
(End of File)
The first line is for number of MPG directions, the next is for b-value, and rest lines are for xyz components of MPG vectors.